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Manufacturing Industry Growth in India and Hiring Trends

Manufacturing Industry Growth in India and Hiring Trends

Hiring for Manufacturing Industry in India India's manufacturing sector is on the cusp of a transformative leap, aiming to bolster its GDP contribution to 25% by 2025. The...

Navigating Growth and Challenges in the Indian FMCG Sector in India

Navigating Growth and Challenges in the Indian FMCG Sector in India

Technological Advancements and Digital Transformation: Technology is playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of the FMCG brands in India. From digital marketing and e-commerce to blockchain...

Working With a Multigenerational Workforce: Benefits and Challenges

Working With a Multigenerational Workforce: Benefits and Challenges

Benefits of a multigenerational workforce Each workforce from a different generation has a unique perspective shaped by their experiences, upbringing, and cultural influences; they bring varied work habits,...

Growth of Hospitality Industry in India 2023 and Prospects for 2024

Growth of Hospitality Industry in India 2023 and Prospects for 2024

Surging Opportunities and Hiring Trends in 2024 Fueled by a surge in travel, India experienced a remarkable 50% increase in hiring for tourism and hospitality positions between December...

Telecom Industry in India: The evolving landscape

Telecom Industry in India: The evolving landscape

Inventory in the Telecom Sector: In the telecom sector, inventory encompasses a range of tangible and intangible assets crucial for operations. This includes physical infrastructure such as cell...

Workforce Expansion Strategies: New Hiring and Replacement Plans

Workforce Expansion Strategies: New Hiring and Replacement Plans

Workforce landscape among industries, cities and functions In the dynamic workforce landscape, specific industries are at the forefront, showcasing evolving and strategic approaches in shaping employment trends. TeamLease...